Lazar, Feng, and Hochheiser; Research Methods in Human-Computer Interaction; Wiley, 2010.
Andrew Sears and Julie A. Jacko (Eds) The Human-Computer Interaction Handbook. (2nd edition) CRC Press, 2007
Stone, Jarrett, Woodruffe, and Minocha; User Interface Design and Evaluation; Morgan Kaufmann, March 2005.
Jef Raskin; The Humane Interface; Addison-Wesley, March 2000.
Ben Shneiderman and Catherine Plaisant; Designing the User Interface; 5th Edition, Addison-Wesley, March 2009. Colin Ware, Information Visualization, Third Edition: Perception for Design (Interactive Technologies), Morgan Kaufmann; 3 edition (June 1, 2012).
Helander, Landauer, Prabhu (Eds.); Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction; 2nd Edition, Elsevier, 1997.
John Anderson; Cognitive Psychology and its Implications; 6th Edition, Worth, 2004.
Alan Dix, Janet Finlay, Gregory Abowd & Russell Beale. Human-Computer Interaction. 3rd Edition. Prentice Hall, 2004.
Matt Jones, Gary Marsden, Mobile Interaction Design, Jonhn Wiley & Sons, 2006.
Otras referencias bibliográficas
HCI Bibliography
Task-Centered User Interface Design
Asociación Interacción Persona-Ordenador (AIPO)